Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Here we go, here we go, here we go......

Hurray! the Parish Walk is upon us but maybe, like me you are feeling a little nervous too! Unless you are one of the top 10/20 finishers there shouldn't be any pressure on us BUT we do feel the pressure to succeed- whether its a faster finish or to 'go a bit further' or reach another Parish or just your own personal challenge!

After the Parish, maybe next week, or when our blisters have healed, our joints are more supple and we have forgotten the pain we were in when we stopped walking - we all set ourselves another challenge for next year's walk! and can't wait to plan our great intentions to "do more training" - or maybe that's just me!

Well I eventually managed to get No. 1 (eldest) son out of bed at 7.30am on Sunday for a walk up round Glen Roy - he thoroughly enjoyed the countryside, the peacefulness, and spending some quality time with Mum!! The walk went well but his stride was twice the length of mine - so I doubt we will walk together on Saturday. This was his longest walk yet (9miles).

Son No.2 (middle one) is walking with his 'love of his life' Sarah and as they are both under 21 they will be finishing hopefully at Peel!

Enjoy the walk everyone - pack plenty of supplies (kitchen sink is handy) it's going to be hot, hot!

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